Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Burden of Leadership

A few weeks ago one of my close friends and I were talking about our future plans and the different positions that we might hold when our plans come to fruition. He asked me if I thought I was up to the challenge, if I could handle the pressure; stress; time commitment; and sacrifice that leadership positions require. We'd had this conversation before and my answer then was "Of course I can. It will be tough, but everyone knows it's lonely at the top. It's just what you have to deal with", but after reflecting on leadership and the burden that it brings I've come to a different conclusion. I'm not ready and most likely never will be ready to do it by myself.

Whenever I have a question about leadership and what it should look like I go back to (in my opinion) the greatest leader of all time, Jesus Christ. As I looked at Jesus' life I came to realize that he did not handle everything on his own either. Quite literally he had the weight of all humankind on his shoulders and he still allowed others to help bear the burden when they could or when he simply couldn't any more. "They spit on him [Jesus], and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him. As they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene, named Simon, and they forced him to carry the cross. They came to a place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull)" Matthew 27:30-33. You see, even as Jesus went to bear the burden of sin for all humankind Simon carried his cross because he wasn't able to do it on his own after the beating he had just taken.

I believe one of the greatest fallacies that young leaders today believe is that to be a leader you must do everything, handle everyone's problems, be the best at it all, and suffer the burdens leadership brings alone. Many times as a leader you will take emotional and psychological beatings that lead you to the place Jesus was, broken and hurting, but still with more to do. It is during these times you must realize that to reach your potential and to truly be successful you must invite others into your life and allow them to walk with you and bear some of your burdens.

Yes, there are some things that as leaders only you can handle. For example, despite crying out to his Father and asking if there was another way, only Jesus could bring life to humanity be dying on the cross. But during his journey he took others with him; in the Garden he took Peter, James, and John; and on the day of his death he allowed Simon to carry his cross. As you find yourself in leadership positions remember that the burden does not have to be yours and yours alone to bear. Surround yourself with wise counsel, good friends, and seek strength from God and you will be able to do things that alone you would never have been able to achieve.

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