Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Fall is here!

Last Friday morning I awoke to something different in the air. I wasn't sure what it was as I lay in bed, but when I stepped outside my world was changed. It was overcast, 74 degrees, and a cool northern breeze was blowing. Perfect weather! Being in law school I did the only logical thing, studied outside before my morning class. As I sat there by the Brazos river surrounded by beautiful scenery and feeling the cool breeze I was satisfied...for about five minutes. After five minutes my mind was in the mountains. If it was this great here, I could only imagine how great it would be back in Sipapu, New Mexico or even better Colorado. That was it, I needed to get to the mountains. I mean this weather was great and all and I loved being in it, but I wanted more.

Sitting there thinking these thoughts, a quote from A.W. Tozier came to mind, "O God, I have tasted Your goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more." The weather had satisfied me, but more than anything it made me want more. So often I taste the things of this world and want more. More glory, more influence, more power, more wealth, and the list goes on. Yet, there is something inside me, inside you, that is longing for more than those things. When we long for the things of this world, whether we know it or not, deep down we are longing for God. God is glory, influence, power, grace, love, forgiveness. The ways we taste His goodness manifest themselves differently in each of our lives, and we may not see beyond the cheap earthly substitutes for God, but He is in all things. We were created in His image with a longing for Him in our hearts and a taste of His goodness in our mouths. Take the time today to see Him and His goodness in the everyday longings of your heart.

1 comment:

Jan Meyer said...

I'm with you about the scent of fall in the air for a moment... and the desire for the peace and refuge in God that's so easy in the mountains. SO much longing for God gets snuffed out when the busyness demands attention...and yet even the flickering flame cannot be denied. Thank God for His claim on us that draws us back to Him over and over again. Praying today to hear and answer His call over the din of the the trivial and meaningless. And the wisdom to know what to ignore as trivial and what to to embrace as His call.