Friday, November 11, 2005

Time Well Spent

Last night I went to see Jeremy Camp perform, and it was amazing. The music that he sang was so inspiring. Yet one of the things that has been on my mind since last night was not something he sang but, something that he said. He was talking about our relationship with Jesus and how sometimes, we get so busy with our ministries or so caught up in church activities that we fall away from the thing that is most important: Communing With Jesus. This really made me ask the question; am I spending enough time with God? Jeremy put it like this and I think his words are far better than my own he said, that yes we may spend time praying and doing a devotion, but are we ever "on our faces" with the Lord? On our faces? At first I thought hmmm, but the more I thought about it the more I realized what it meant (or at least what it means to me). When was the last time that we were praying and we were so overcome in our prayers and in our walk with God that we simply fell to our knees and saw his love for everything it is. When was the last time that we really comprehended the idea of just how painful it was for Jesus to come and die the way he did, and just how much God loves us for sending his son to do that. I think that often we become so overwhelmed with activities, and not necessarily bad ones, that we may lose sight of that fact of how much God loves us and how much he just wants us to fall on our faces and be with him. He wants us to stop and take the time to not just pray but to be intimate with him because he loves us and wants to be intimate with us. We are his children and just as a father here on earth wants to spend time with his children so does our father in heaven.

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