Tuesday, November 15, 2005


As I sat down to write this I didn't know what I was going to write about. All I knew is that I felt like writing, so I thought I would sit down and see what came out. But then as I sat down in my chair I looked out my front window and saw the beautiful day....

It's just stopped raining, and the sun is beginning to peak out from behind the clouds. You can catch a ray of sunshine shooting out at a random moment lighting the day, but only for a second then disappearing again behind the clouds. The wind is howling proclaiming victory as it has brought with it a cold front (it's now only 69 degrees lol). As I continue to look out my window I see the different varieties of trees and the grasses and plants and even catch a glimpse of a squirrel running across the lawn.

These are things that I see everyday. I walk past the same trees and over that grass when I leave for school every morning. Yet just now I've seen them in a different light. I've recognized them for what they are, God's creations! I sit here and wonder how anyone could ever believe that all of these things happened by "chance" or "accident", that a big "bang" simply occurred and billions of years later here we are. These people must have not seen the things that I have seen. They couldn't have seen a Missouri fall with all the leaves of the trees changing color to form the most radiant color pallet imaginable. They could never have experienced snow falling on Christmas in Port Aransas (yes this really happened I've got pictures), seeing palm trees and cactus covered with snow, and little children taking pictures of snowmen on the beach with waves crashing in the background. They must never have seen the streams of Montana or the Tundra of Alaska as the elk move across the open land. They could never have seen pictures of the rain-forest in all it's beauty and of the coral reef, with waters so clear you can see as far as your eyes will let you below. When I imagine these pictures and memories I don't understand how anyone could see anything besides God's amazing power and his love. That he would give us such an amazing place to live. The complexities of this world can be described as nothing less than awe-inspiring. These are things that were created by an awesome all powerful loving God not by a chance experiment billions of years ago. So the next time you walk outside, look around you and thank the one who gave us all of this. Thank God for his power and his love I know I will.


Anonymous said...

note to self: how could you forget Wrigley Field??? lol

Anonymous said...

i like your point of view